Kalispell Farmers Market
PO Box 665
Kalispell MT 59904
406-881-4078 Voicemail
Happy fall market vendors,
It is time for the Kalispell Farmers Market annual meeting. This year’s meeting will be held Monday November 12th 2018, at the Flathead Electric Cooperative building located at 2510 US Hwy 2 E Kalispell.
The meeting room is located on the North side of the building. Doors will open at 6:30 PM and the meeting will start promptly at 7:00 PM. Refreshments will be served.
The purpose of this meeting is to elect three Board Members for a three year term, review the financials from the 2018 year, recap the yearly events, and address any ideas or concerns from vendors.
The board of directors for the Kalispell Farmers Market is made up of nine board members. Every year three board members complete their term.
The current board members listed in alphabetical order are as follows:
Duanne Braaten
Victor Brozovich
Carol Bunting
Cassidy Dailey
Dan Erickson
Mandy Gerth
Cheryl Lowe
Dan Sanderson
Jean Williams
The board members who will have completed their three year terms at the end of December 2018 are: Carol Bunting, Victor Brozovich and Jean Williams.
There are five candidates running for the three open board positions starting in January 2019: (listed below alphabetically)
Carol Bunting
Victor Brozovich
Brycen Ek
Jean Willams
Ted Wycall
Nominations will also be taken from the floor as well. All market vendors are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. Please sign in when you arrive and get a voting ballot. (one ballot per selling unit) Save the date and plan on attending.
Best regards,
Carla Rose